Preparing your images – Image color profiles

Most browsers render and present images in the sRGB color profile and to maintain color consistency Pixpa converts all images that you upload to the sRGB color profile.

To get the best results, we strongly recommend that you should prepare your images in Photoshop or any other image editing software with the sRGB color profile.

sRGB Image Conversion Instructions – Photoshop

  1. Open the image in Photoshop.
  2. Change Photoshop’s color management settings by selecting EDIT → Color Settings

3. Choose sRGB in the RGB color profile and click OK

Now save the image using either of these methods:

1. Use the File → Save As option to save the image as a JPEG, ensuring the sRGB color profile checkbox is ticked.

2. Use the File → Save for Web & Devices option, using a JPEG preset.

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