Website Footer

The footer is the site element that resides at the bottom of your site. This is the most searched area for essential information like social icons, copyright information, and contact details.

Note: By default, the Made with Pixpa text appears in your site footer. In case you want to remove this text from the footer, you can ping us on the live chat from the Pixpa studio or email us at

In this article:

  1. Footer
  2. Footer Layout
  3. Footer Text
  4. Link Footer Text
  5. Footer Border
  6. Prefooter
  7. Back to Top Button

You can manage the Footer styling from the Design (1) section.

Once you are inside the Design section, click on Footer (2) tab.

Alternatively, you can also use the studio’s search option.

  • Enter Footer (1) in the Search Bar.
  • From the related results, click on the Design – Footer (2) option.

Footer is the bottommost section of your web pages that typically contains important information such as copyright information, contact details, etc.

From here, you can:

  1. Width: Set the width of your website’s footer.
    Full Width:  Footer will cover the entire available width without leaving any space sidewise.
    Site width: It can be specified in the Design section. You can specify a fixed width here. It will display the footer by adhering to the fixed width specified.
  2. Padding – Vertical: Manage the spacing vertically (top and bottom) to your website footer (specified in vh).
  3. Layout: Choose the footer style for your website.

Footer Layout

Pixpa provides two types of footer layouts.

The footer styles look this way:

Style 1:

Style 2:


The Social Icon’s Position on the footer depends on the footer layout selected.

Footer Text

Your website’s footer area can hold important information that may not find the right place in any other part of the website. This often includes copyright text, privacy links, terms of use, affiliate / partner sites, etc.

  1. Text: Specify the Footer text for your website from here. You can also manage the footer text alignment, style and link footer text.

See how to link the footer text: 

Footer Border

  1. Border: Enable or disable the border of footer by toggling the switch.
  2. Thickness: Specify the thickness of the border (specified in pixels)
  3. Position: Set the position of footer border. You can choose border for All sides, Top and Bottom, only Top and only Bottom.


  1. Pre-footer: Check the current status of Pre-footer, whether it is active or not, from here.
  2. Manage Prefooter: You can manage the Prefooter of your website from here.
    Also see: Add a pre-footer to your website.

Back to Top Button

If you have a very long page then scrolling to the top may take time. You can add a back to top button in your website to quickly scroll to the top navigation of your website.

From here, you can:

  1. Status: Enable or disable the back-to-top button on your website from here.
  2. Style: Set the back-to-top element style from here. You can choose between dark, and light.
  3. Button: An example of back to top button.

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