Add Snippet to a Section

The pages are made up of fully editable sections that will be vertically arranged. These sections in turn consist of snippets.

Using the easy drag and drop snippets you can easily customize your sections.

In this article:

  1. Add a snippet to a section.
  2. Snippet Editing Elements.

Add a snippet to a section:

  • Once you have added a section to your page, you can further customize the section using the snippets.
  • Click on the small blue plus (+) icon (1) to open the snippets box.
  • Choose any snippet and click on it (2) to add it below the current snippet.

See how to add a snippet in action: 

  • To add more drag and drop snippets, click on the More Snippets button.
  • It will open the Snippet panel from where you can easily drag and drop the snippets you want to your page.

See how to add a snippet from the snippet panel in action: 

Snippet Editing Elements

Once you have added a snippet, you have customization options for the snippet: 

  1. Highlighted snippet element you are currently working on.
  2. Drag and drop the entire snippet to change the position of the snippet. You can also drag a snippet from one section to another using the drag tool.
  3. Duplicate the snippet.
  4. Element tool to enable/disable the snippet elements editing options.
  5. Delete the entire snippet.
  6. Add more content within the snippet.
  7. Duplicate the highlighted snippet element.
  8. Move the highlighted content up.
  9. Move the highlighted content down.
  10. Delete the highlighted content.

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