Share an album

An Album is a group of galleries that you can share with anyone publicly or privately.

After you have created an album, you can invite users to proof your images by sending them an invite email.

In this article:

  1. Share an Album
  2. Share by Email
  3. Invite History

Share an Album

  • Enter Album title (1) in the Search Bar.
  • From the related results, click on the Album that you are searching for (2) under Client Galleries. 

  • You will now reach the Album page.
  • Click on the Share (3) button below the album cover photo to open the album-sharing options.

Share by Email

To send the Email invite, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Invite by Email tab on the Share with Clients page.
  2. You can send the email invite to one or up to 3 email addresses (separated by commas).
  3. Specify the Subject of the email invite.
  4. Add some description to the email body.
  5. Enable this option to show the Album Password.
  6. Enable this option to show the Download Pin.
  7.  Send a copy of the email to your email address.
  8. You need to verify the Google captcha in order to send the email invite.
  9. Once you have specified the above fields, click on Send Email Invite button to send the email.
  10. You can review your drafted mail on the right side.

Invite History

  • Click on the Invite History tab to view all the invites sent.


Pixpa enables you to check the status of your Email Invites.

The Email Invites will be marked as Sent, Opened, Bounced, and Marked as Spam. You can resend the invite by clicking on the Resend button

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