Banner Section

Using a Banner adds visual flair and enables you to add SEO data to your website. It adds character to your content whether it’s a gallery, page, folder, client album, or blog.

You can add it to the top/bottom of your page. In this article, you will learn how to add and edit the banner section.


In case you want to just show a text message at the top of your website, use the Announcement bar. Or if you want to create a pop-up that appears when visitors view your website, you can try the Marketing Popup

In this article:

  1. What is a Banner?
  2. Add a Banner to a page
  3. Add/Edit Banner slides
  4. Sequencing the slides
  5. Delete a Banner slide
  6. Styling the Banner
  7. Choose a Banner Layout


  • Banner is used to show a full-width banner image/image slideshow/video at the top/bottom of your content.

Check a live demo Banner.

Add a Banner to a page

  • A section can be added to a page. You can either add a section to an already existing page or create a new page within your website.
  • On your page, click on the blue + icon to add a New Section to your page.

  • You will now see the section categories on the left side.
  • Click on the Banner (1) section and select any desired banner layout (2) for your page.
  • Click on it to add the banner section to your page.

Add/Edit Banner Slides

  • You can add image/video/text slides to your Banner and edit them as well.
    Check: The Banner.

Points to remember:

  • The ideal size of a Banner image will be 2000 pixels X 2000 pixels. 
  • Supported image file formats for the banner are JPG, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. 
  • We recommend you upload landscape images rather than portrait ones.
  • Add the text over the images from the Master/Slide text field. Do not upload images with text in them.

Sequencing the Slides

  • To sequence the Banner slides, you just need to drag and drop them.

See how to sequence the Banner slides in action: 

Delete a Banner Slide

Once you have added a Banner slide, you can edit/delete the same.

To delete a slide, 

  • Click on the Manage Banner button.
  • Once the Edit Banner drawer opens, click on the Delete icon next to the slide you wish to delete.
  • Click on the Delete button on the confirmation popup.
  • Save your changes.

See how to delete a Banner slide in action: 

Note: A banner slide once deleted can not be recovered.

To know about the slide/master text and buttons:
Check: The Banner.

Styling the Banner

To view the style options for a Banner, 

  • Click on the Edit Banner (1) button to open the Edit Banner panel.

    • Scale and Fit – Images will fit within the banner width and height. 
    • Fit to Width (Desktop Only) – Images will be scaled to banner width. Banner height will inherit the image height.
  1. Banner Desktop Height – Specify the desktop banner height if you have chosen the full bleed or scale and fit option in the Display Mode field.
  2. Banner Mobile Height – Specify the mobile banner height.


  1. Content Position – Specify the content position over the banner.
  2. Content Width – Specify the width for the banner content.
  3. Background Color – Set the background color for the banner.
  4. Overlay Color – Set the overlay color for the banner.
  5. Navigation Style – Specify the navigation style of the banner. You can select from 3 styles.
  6. Navigation Color – Specify the color of navigational tool.
  7. Scroll-down Arrow – Select this option to show a scroll-down arrow over the banner.


  1. Slideshow – Choose the Autoplay option to enable slideshow for the banner.
  2. Slideshow Speed – Specify the slideshow speed (in seconds).
  3. Slideshow Transition – Specify the image transition style for the banner.

  1. See how to manage the styling of Buttons & Links.
  2. Save all the style changes.

Choose a Banner Layout

To change the Banner layout, 

  • Click on Manage Banner (1) button.
  • Click on the Layout (2) tab.
  • Choose a Banner layout (3) and click on it.
  • Save (4) your changes.
    Check: The Banner layouts.


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