Website Header

The Header contains the first set of visible elements when your website loads. You can arrange the elements such as logo, navigation menu, and social icons in the way you like them to appear in the Header.

In this article:

You can manage the Header styling (for both desktop and mobile) from the Design (1) section.

Once you are inside the Design section, click on Header (2) tab.

Alternatively, you can also use the studio’s search option.

  • Enter Header (1) in the Search Bar.
  • From the related results, click on the Design- Website Header option (2).

Header for Desktop

  1. Header Layout – Check the currently applied header layout for the desktop version. Click on the Change Layout button to choose from the available header layout options, and apply to your website.
    We provide two types of header layouts – top header layouts, and two-column header layouts. The two-column header layouts exist in themes like Burst, and Isle. 
  2. Width – Specify the header width as Full Width or Site Width.
    Full width‘ will display the header while covering the entire width without leaving any margin.
    Site width‘ can be specified in the Design section. You can specify a fixed-width here.
    It will display the header by adhering to the fixed-width specified. Know more.
  3. Vertical Padding – Add space (top and bottom) to your website header (specified in vh). Know more.
  4. Behaviour – The position of your desktop header can be set to Fixed (here the header will be fixed on the top, i.e, even if the page scrolls, the header would be visible) or Scroll With Site (here the header will scroll along with the page). 
  5. Sticky Navigation – Enable or Disable the sticky navigation in case of the Scroll With Site header position. 


For sticky navigation, header will show after initial section is scrolled half on the screen

Check out header padding in action:

Have a look at a Header on a live site.

See different desktop header layouts 

See different 2-column desktop header layouts

Header Border

  1. Border: Enable or disable the border for header.
  2. Thickness: Specify the width of border lines for the header.
  3. Position: Set the position of header border. You have four options – All sides, Top & Bottom, Top only, and Bottom only.

Header for Mobile

  1. Layout – Check the currently applied header layout for the mobile version. Click on the Change Layout button to choose from the available header layout options, and apply to your website.
  2. Add Vertical Space (top and bottom) to your website header on mobile devices (specified in vh).
  3. After making the changes, click on Publish button.


See different mobile header layouts 


  • Dot symbol in mobile header refers to the Customer Accounts.
  • It will only appear the Customer Account option is enabled in store. Learn more.

Header Elements

  1. Logo / Site Title – The very first element of the site header is the site logo/title. Set the site title/upload the site logo for your site.
    Note: If you have not uploaded the site logo, the site title would appear on your site header. Also, if you have provided both, then the site logo will be visible on your site header.
  2. Menu – Another element of the site header is the menu (menu links). You can sequence the site navigation links, or delete/hide any menu item from your site
  3. Social icons – You can add the Social icons that are connected to your social media profiles to your site header. You can upload a social sharing image that will be used as a thumbnail when the website or any of the website pages are shared on social media. Also, choose where the social media icons would show up on your website. The available positions are header, footer, both, or none.
  4. Search box – Add a search box that lets your site visitors search for any content in Products (if you have a Store enabled on your website), Images, Blog Posts, and Pages (Galleries, Folders, and other pages) to your site header.
  5. Cart icon – Add a floating cart icon that’s easy to reach and always visible without interfering with your website to your site header.
  6. Menu button – Add a menu button to your site header i.e., a call-to-action button that redirects to a specified URL. You can specify the Label and the URL for the Menu Button. Also, choose the Button size to be Small, Medium, or Large.

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