Website Animation

Website animations can be used to add visual effects while loading the page like fade in, fade out, scale down and others. This will add a flair to your website when the user scrolls the pages.

In this article:

  1. Edit Website Animation
  2. Style
  3. Speed

Edit Website Animation

Animations can make a website visually interesting and bring life to all the elements that are present on the website. They create a more engaging and immersive experience for users.

Navigate to Animation from the Design section’s (1) Animation tab (2). It will be applied site-wide and will affect all the elements on the entire website.


  • By default, Slide Up animation will be applied on the entire website.
  • Select None if you want to disable the animations.


  1. Fade In –  Gradually reveals elements by increasing its opacity from transparent to opaque.
  2. Slide Up – Smooth movement of elements on the screen from a lower position to a higher position.
  3. Scale Up – Gradually increases the size or scale of an element.
  4. Scale Down – Gradually decreases the size or scale of an element.
  5. Reveal – Gradually unveiling or revealing the elements on the screen.


The rate at which an animation transitions from one state to another. It determines how quickly or slowly the animated changes occur on the screen.

There are three option to choose from: Slow, Medium and Fast.


If you are using an old template, you may not see the Animation option. You need to switch the website to a new template. Know More

Check out the Slide Up Animation live in action:

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