The System Reserved keywords

The system-reserved keywords are words that cannot be used in any page URLs. They cannot be redirected to any other page however any page can be redirected to them (pages with system-reserved keywords in their URL).

These keywords do not work in combinations where you separate the keyword using a hyphen like:

  1. – keyword
  2. my-keyword
  3. keyword-my or any such combination.

However, you can add letters to the keywords without any special characters. Combinations that work are:

  1. mykeyword
  2. keywords or any such combination.

Here, the keyword can be any system-reserved keyword.

Here’s the list of system-reserved keywords:

  1. account
  2. action
  3. admin
  4. api
  5. app
  6. apps
  7. assets
  8. attachment
  9. auth
  10. author
  11. autosave
  12. cart
  13. category
  14. checkout
  15. clipboard
  16. comment
  18. config
  19. css
  20. dashboard
  21. debug
  22. download
  23. edit
  24. editor
  25. embed
  26. error
  27. event
  28. events
  29. Favorite
  30. Favorites
  31. feed
  32. file
  33. files
  34. folder
  35. forms
  36. handle
  37. html
  38. images
  39. install
  40. item
  41. jcrop
  42. jquery
  43. js
  44. json
  45. link
  46. login
  47. order
  48. orderby
  49. page
  50. payment
  51. post
  52. posts
  53. preview
  54. private
  55. product
  56. products
  57. result
  58. results
  59. robots
  60. script
  61. scripts
  62. search
  63. share
  64. shop
  65. shortcode
  66. site
  67. sites
  68. static
  69. storage
  70. store
  71. tag
  72. tags
  73. user
  74. user-profile
  75. widget
  76. widgets
  77. xml

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