Product on sale

You can use the Compare at price to attract your customers or to show the discount you have offered on a particular product.

You can show the product on sale by specifying the Compare at price of a product.

Add the Compare at price for a product:

  • Enter store product (1) in the Search Bar.
  • From the related results, click on the Store Products option (2) under Studio Links. 

  • On this page, you would see the list of all the products.
  • Click on the product to edit that particular product or click on the + Add Product button to create a new product.
  • On the product creation/edit page, you would see the compare at price text box where you can specify the actual price of the product.


In case of Product Options:


For example, specify the compare at price for the S variant (1), and the L variant too (2).

Note: The compare at price should always be greater than the product price. 

See how the compare at price gets displayed on a product:

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