Pixpa Prime

At Pixpa, we are committed to providing you with the tools and features you need to excel in your creative endeavors.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Pixpa Prime, designed specifically to benefit agencies and freelancers like you.

What is Pixpa Prime?

Pixpa Prime is an exclusive program that offers enhanced benefits and opportunities for agencies and freelancers who manage multiple websites on our platform.

This initiative is aimed at rewarding our loyal users and providing them with additional resources to grow their businesses and streamline their workflows.

Who can apply for Pixpa Prime?

Eligibility for Pixpa Prime is straightforward. Any user who has two or more paid websites on Pixpa is automatically qualified for the program.

This ensures that the program benefits professionals who are actively using the platform to manage multiple projects.

How to apply for Pixpa Prime?

You can apply directly through your Pixpa account. Just go to the “My Websites” section, locate the ‘Join Pixpa Prime’ option, and click ‘Apply Now.’ Follow the on-screen instructions to finish your application.

Benefits of joining Pixpa Prime?

  • Extended Free Trials: Take advantage of extended free trial periods upto 3-months for new websites. This allows you to explore and build the website at your own pace.
  • Exclusive Discounts: Enjoy lifetime discounts on all subscription plans.
  • Contributors: Pixpa prime allows you to include up to two contributors on Basic plans as well.
  • No Pixpa Branding: Enjoy a professional, clean look on your website with no Pixpa branding.
  • Priority Support: Receive faster responses and dedicated assistance from our support team to resolve any issues quickly.

Is Pixpa Prime free to join?

Yes, joining Pixpa Prime is completely free—there are no fees to sign up or maintain your membership.

How long does it take to get approved for Pixpa Prime?

The approval process for Pixpa Prime usually 1-2 business days. Once approved, you will receive an email notification, and all benefits become immediately available.

Can I manage multiple clients’ websites from my Pixpa Prime account?

Yes, Pixpa Prime is designed to help you efficiently manage multiple client websites from a single account dashboard. This centralized management feature is perfect for agencies and freelancers handling numerous projects.

What happens if I no longer meet the eligibility criteria for Pixpa Prime?

If your account no longer meets the eligibility criteria, such as falling below two paid websites, you may lose access to the Prime benefits. However, any existing projects that were initiated under Prime will retain their benefits until their next renewal cycle.


At Pixpa, we are committed to supporting the growth and success of our users. Pixpa Prime is our way of rewarding the hard work of agencies and freelancers. Join Pixpa Prime today to unlock premium benefits and take your business to the next level.

Thank you for being a valued member of our community!

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