Discount Coupons – Store

Create discount coupons for your customers and share them using a Marketing popup, Announcement bar, or a banner on your home page.

Your customers can enter the coupon code at the checkout page and avail the discount.

Pixpa enables you to create three types of discount coupons:

  1. Percentage Discount: Enables you to apply a percentage-based discount on the cart subtotal (total price of products in the cart).
  2. Flat Amount Discount: Allows you to create a discount code that reduces the cart total by a fixed amount. Note that a fixed amount discount cannot be more than the cart subtotal (total price of products in the cart).
  3. Free Shipping Discount: Allows you to create a discount coupon that removes the shipping charges from the cart.

Create discount codes:

  • Enter discounts (1) in the Search Bar.
  • From the related results, click on the Store Discounts option (2) under Studio Links. 

  • You will now reach the Discount Codes page.
  • On this page, you would see the list of all the coupons.
  • You can also edit (1) or delete (2) any existing coupon code on this page.
  • Click on the + Add Discount Coupons (3) button to create a new discount code.

On clicking Add discount coupon button, it will take to you to the discount coupon creation page wherein you need to enter the below information:

  1. Discount Code: Specify the coupon code here. This is the code that your store visitors will put on the checkout page to get the discount.

    Note that discount coupons are not case-sensitive – which means BLACK50 is the same as black50.

  2. Discount Description: Give a descriptive name to your discount coupon.

  1. Status: Make the coupon active/inactive from here. Disabled discount coupons cannot be applied at checkout.
  2. Valid – From: Define the time period (date) from which the discount code would stay active.
    Valid – Expires: Define the time period (date) till which the discount code would stay active.
  3. Never Expires: If you do not want to specify any end/expiry date, check this option. Then the coupon code would stay active always.
  4. Limit Usage: Specify the number of times a coupon can be used. If you do not want to put any limitations, leave it blank.

  1. Type: Choose whether you want your discount coupon to give a Flat Amount Discount or a Percentage Discount or a Free Shipping Discount.
    Specify the amount of discount you are offering. In order to create a 50% coupon code specify 50 in the text box provided.
  2. Minimum Order Amount: Specify the minimum cart subtotal required to apply the coupon. If you do not want to put any limitations, leave it blank.

  1. Apply discount on: Choose where the discount code should work (be applied on). You can choose between Products (Store) only, Images (Ecommerce galleries) only, or both.
  2. Specify products applicable for discount: Choose whether the coupon code should work on All Products, Selected Categories, or Selected Products.
    If you select the specific categories/products option, then specify the categories/products on which the coupon code should work on.
  3. Save your changes.


The Advanced options are only available on Business plan. Check our pricing and features offered.


Note: If the final cart amount goes to zero (0) after applying the discount, system would remove all the payment options and enable a submit order button. This particular order would be treated a paid order.


In case you want to limit the free shipping to specific customers, you can create the free shipping discount code and share it.

Using this discount coupon, the shipping cost can be eliminated from all the orders or orders above a certain amount. Once you have created and shared the same, your customers can apply it at the checkout and place the order without paying the shipping charges.

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