Connect domain from Squarespace domains

To connect your domain name registered on Squarespace Domains, we recommend you to set up a Cloudflare account and manage your domain DNS records from there. It’s free for personal use. 

Please note, that your domain will be parked with your current provider only. Just the DNS records will be managed from Cloudflare to leverage the available redirect options without spending anything.

  • Set up your Cloudflare account and from the left sidebar, scroll to the Manage Account (1) section.
  • Go to the Members section (2) to share the Invite (3) at

Make sure to provide Administrator Access so that our domain management team can make the necessary changes.

Now, request us to connect your domain:

As we get access, we will make the required changes from our end to connect your domain with the Pixpa site.

Please email us at or ping us from studio chat (a blue icon on the right bottom) to complete the remaining process.

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