Add Ecommerce Galleries to your website menu Ecommerce Galleries are a smarter choice for photographers and other visual artists who want to sell hundreds or even thousands...
Enable or Disable Ecommerce Galleries Ecommerce Galleries are a smarter choice for photographers and other visual artists who want to sell hundreds or even thousands...
Sell images as Prints & Downloads Start selling images using your Ecommerce enabled Galleries by following this 5 step guide: Step 1 – Setup Print Labs...
Price Lists & different types – Store A Price List is a set of Print products, Merchandise, Self-fulfillment products, and Digital download options. You can add these...
Price List for WHCC – Sell Images Pixpa allows you to connect to the WHCC lab for the auto-fulfillment of your eCommerce galleries orders. Don’t have a...
Price List for Print Vendor – Sell Images A Price List is a set of Print products, Merchandise, Self-fulfillment products, and Digital download options. In this article: Add...
Self fulfillment – Sell Images Pixpa offers auto fulfillment and self-fulfillment for your Store orders. You can use the self-fulfillment option if you wish to...
Apply a Price List to an Ecommerce Gallery A Pricing Sheet is a set of Print products, Merchandise, Self-fulfillment products, and Digital download options. Once you have created...
Sell Images – Settings The Settings page lets you control many aspects of Ecommerce-enabled Galleries. The main step while setting up your Ecommerce enabled...
Setup WHCC lab for auto fulfillment – Sell Images Pixpa allows you to connect the WHCC lab for the auto fulfillment of your eCommerce galleries orders. Don’t have a WHCC...
Setup Print Vendor for auto fulfillment – Sell Images Pixpa supports Self-fulfillment where you can fulfill your orders using any lab of your choice. To automate self-fulfillment, you need...
Understand WHCC Lab fulfillment for print orders Pixpa allows you to connect WHCC lab to the auto fulfillment of your Ecommerce Galleries orders. For WHCC, you need to...
Ecommerce Galleries Design The Ecommerce Gallery design is the same as a normal Gallery design. At first, it will have the Sitewide Gallery...
Add a Category – Sell Images You can easily group your Products into Categories to structure and filter your pricing sheet’s product catalog. Know more about...